Friday, October 28, 2011

Vesku Loiri & Rag Paananen - Meririosvokapteeni Ynjevi Lavankopoksahdus (1974 Satsanga / 2011 Sony)

Teittepä hyvän työn julkaisessanne tämän uudelleen. Ostin alkuperäisen, paikoin lievästi ripsahtelevan levyn (alkuperäisine liitteineen) pari vuotta sitten kirpputorilta, ja olen toivonut saavani myös virheettömän uuspainoksen. Ex-kuntoisten alkuperäisten hinnat alkoivat jo nousta älyttömyyksiin. Kiitos! Kun kuulin tämän ensimmäisen kerran siis pari vuotta sitten, varsinkin kappale "sinappikäärmeiden sota" (War Of The Mustard Snakes) sai minut, ehkä hieman kevyin perustein ajattelemaan, että kyseessä oli hyvässä mielessä kieli poskessa tehtyä zappaparodiaa, mutta tosiasiassa kyseessä on lapsille ja lapsellisille aikuisille suunnattu musiikillinen matkakertomus. Se on seikkailu, Ynjevi-pojan odysseia oudoissa oloissa, skyllan ja kharybdiksen välissä, ja onnellinen kotiinpaluu hampurilais-suklaamereltä perunan, paistetun makkaran ja äidin lättyjen tuttuuteen. Silti en voi olla huomaamatta albumin tiettyjä ulkokohtaisia zappamaisia...rakenteita, soundeja ja muita äänimaailmoja, ovat ne sitten tahallisia tai tahattomia, tai vain minun kuvittelemiani kytköksiä. Vai ollaanko sitä muuten vaan oltu niin avantgardea, niin avantgardea...? Progressiivista lastenmusiikkia tämä ainakin on varmaan ollut aikanaan. Keskiajalla ajateltiin että lapsi on pieni aikuinen. Matti Ragtime käänsi sen niin, että aikuinen on isokoinen lapsi. Ainakin minun kohdallani se pitää täysin paikkansa. Hassuttelumusaa.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Titus Groan - S/T (1970 Janus)

My latest flea catch just for 3 euros. Allmusic review by Jon "Mojo" Mills is unintelligible. He is wrong! Shame on him! I mean this comment by him: "The fact that Titus Groan tried so hard to be prog is their downfall. As a standard pop record, this could have been great, but the constant twiddling becomes off-putting so quickly, which is a shame. In hindsight, this is an album that is well worth skimming through for the finer moments -- but watch out for the progressive nuances."

Constant twiddling! Ha! I think that as a standard pop record, without "twiddling" this would be like any other, but specifically its "progressive nuances" (twiddling) make it very interesting, authentic, well-balanced and enjoyable. Titus seems to awake reminiscences to amazingly many directions. At least the following bands are mentioned in reviews when concerning Titus Groan: Gryphon, Fruup, Egg, Nucleus, Chicago, Soft Machine, Gentle Giant, Jethro Tull, Czar, Cream, King Crimson, Colosseum and Pretty Things (SF Sorrow). What does this tell us? I haven't the foggiest idea. No, it can't mean that Titus (1970) tried so hard to be prog that had influences from all those bands mentioned. The only evidence of copycatting is a well recognized descending base guitar riff from Chicago's "25 Or 6 To 4" on their "Hall of Bright Carvings" (about at 1.50). (Maybe one "mission impossible" tune too :-)) After all Titus Groan transmits authentic joy of playing without any undesirable over producing. This proto-progish sound just hits me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The John Benson Brooks Trio - Avant Slant (one PLUS I = II?) (1967 Decca)

This John Benson Brooks Trio's "Avant Slant" is interesting, experimental avant-garde music... spoken word...freejazz...rock.. acting ...female singer...

Stone Circus - S/T (1969 Mainstream this re by Tapestry)

Very nice psychedelic guitar and organ driven poprock in balance or tiny back rest..

Jasper - Liberation (1969 Spark)

This is a very special album too. I can't recall hearing anything just like this before. There are some lighter moments on this quite loosely jamming prog-psych-blues album, but all together the sound scene is interesting. A lot of smooth and laid back organ to hear as well as flute, harmonica and harpsichord. I like the idea of the main theme "liberation" being repeated through the disc, binding together different pieces mostly based on blues.

Mama Lion - Give It Everything I've Got (1973 Philips)

The best piece of this compilation of bluesy tunes is the one that is not blues. I mean the opening track "Dark Garden". It is written by Lynn herself (with guitarist N. Merryweather). Jim Howard (i think he is James Newton Howard) playing soft Hammond organ and synthesizer on this track with Merryweather and Bob Rose on their acoustic guitars and Lynn's dreamy voice make me feel like wandering in Dali's "The Persistence of Memory". I hope there were more great tunes like this on the album.

Friendsound - Joyride (1969)

Joyride is the most floating musicianship with experimental sound effects i have heard for a while. A ride to someone's childhood, i think. Where else? Jamming psychedelic sound scenes:

Lotti Golden - Motor-Cycle (1969 Atlantic)

This is enjoyable hippie trout fishing in America except instead of mayonnaise it ends to "oh yeah". Ps. In fact the lyrics sheet tells it ends with "Michael".
By the way, doesn't she sound like Rita Jean Bodine and look alike too?

Gary Ogan & Bill Lamb - Portland (1972 Elektra)

High quality singer-songwriter stuff.

Gunhill Road - S/T (1972 Kama Sutra)

Quite pleasant mellow pop. Better than they use to say.

D,B,M+T - Fresh Air (1970 Philips)

In some reviews this one seems to be compared to
CSN&Y. Ok, maybe they are right if meant only the way of writing the bands name. Otherwise, when concerning the music itself D,B,M+T sounds more interesting... The vocal harmonies maybe aren't on same level as CSN&S' but i don't even want to hear any too polished, odourless and insipid music just now. DBMT is suprisingly inspiring. "One World" = super plastic moon man... and some other pieces compose psychprogpoprock on a bit different kind of viewpoint. "Fresh ear" is surprisingly classy album. Engineered by Eddie "Are You Ready?" Offord.

Fat Matress - S/T (1969)

This band has a Noel relationship to Jimi Hendrix and that is why this album is widely appreciated. Just because of that...? Unfortunately yes, i think.... The music on this vinyl is ok, and often described as psychedelic rock. I'm not quite sure if that is right, but finally it is in our ears and head. This (Atco) unfortunately sounds mostly stuffy and simple rock. My most motive to purchase this now was i believed Martin Barre from Jethro Tull played on this, but did not. What a dissapointment!

Humble Pie - Performance Rockin' The Fillmore (1971 AM)

Really good blues driven hard rock.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Group Therapy - 37 Minutes Of Group Therapy (1969 Philips)

37 minutes are not enough or too much for me to get rid of odd fixation of gathering these 33's in my house.

The Hobbits - Men And Doors - The Hobbits Communicate (1968 Decca)68

Hmmm... can't say anything yet. This was on my wishlist for some time and when i finally found it, it is not quite what presumed... There is a tiny Hobbit inside all of us. Just open your door and wait who will step out...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tommy James - My Head, My Bed & My Red Guitar (1972 Roulette)

I mostly avoid picking album on what is mentioned: Recorded at xx Studios, Nashville Tennessee. That is because i don't much like Nashville sound country. On this and some other cases i will make an exception. This is mostly because i know Tommy James's Crimson and Glover and Cellophane Symphony which are good albums. This one consists of mediocre country tinged music to listen when driving about 1000 miles on a straight desert road after leaving your girl friend for ever. You will easily forget both.

Notes From The Underground - S/T (1968 Vanguard)

I'm not sure what to think of this kind of music. There are some good moments, but the rest is kind of bluegrass stuff i'm not used to. The whole first side of the album is music i can't understand who it is made for. Can't get any grip of it. The other side is much better. These two pieces maybe the best ones:

Ford Theatre - Trilogy For The Masses (1968 ABC)

Great psych album! A bit raw garage organ etc. sound may not be sound of yours, but I like it a lot. 101 Harrison Street:

Rio Grande - S/T (1971 Victor)

I'm not really any big fan of country rock but this is different. This sounds good. Best track: "Nice and Easy".