Saturday, May 26, 2012

Blonde On Blonde - Reflections On A Life (1971 Ember)

This was in my friend's record shelf. We made some exchange and soon BoB found itself a new shelf. BoB's album like the band itself is very interesting. First they took there name after Dylan's album and moreover they adapted Dylan's lyrics.

Bob Dylan / "Like a Rolling Stone"

how does it feel
to be on your own
with no direction home
like a complete unknown
just like a rolling stone

BoB / "Bargain"

i guess it had to be
i'm all alone
i ain't got no home
a complete unknown
just like a rolling stone

As a whole BoB's album is like a riddle. I have heard it about ten times till now and its enigmatic atmosphere concerning the trinity of songs, lyrics and sounds keeps hold on me. I can not compare "Reflections of a Life" to any other obscure record album i happen to own or have ever heard. I'm afraid i have to work with this a lot to get it enough.

The album is an extract from real and sometimes absurd too life, but how they manifest it, is i hope, outsiders objective, narrative and external. Have to say some lyrics are hard to ingest, but when disregarding some uglier parts and focusing on the music instead, you can still hear something ingenious. And by some odd way even the extraordinary outspoken lyrics may create some extra tension to the music.

Maybe BoB wanted to take out speaking singer songwriter music like Dylan's on the next, even rougher level. That is...They took the semi-mournful "real life" descriptions like Dylan's, to another, very real disgust-realistic level. "Gene Machine" for example sounds like early Dylan but the lyrics are more bare and undressed and "Happy Families" aren't very happy happy either. "I don't care" is like a harmless rockabilly teenage love song, if you don't listen to it carefully.

Maybe BoB were frustrated with poor sale of their two previous albums and they so decided to make one more album with the attitude that okay..., it has come clear that our records don't sell, so what the f..., we can make one more, blonde on blonde, to tell what to do with it. Bob sells, so he has to be careful, but BoB don't, so let's have some fun...

And let's not forget that most of the songs on the record are top stuff accompanied by top musicianship. Beautiful ballads, a "choral", good blues with hendrixian and fuzzy guitar playing, psychedelic sound scenes.

All i say above is probably pure speculation, but nevertheless that or just because of it, this hard record is light, fun, exciting and crazy too. What the truth with this record is, is not the point. The point is how you imagine/reflect it.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Richard Betts - Highway Call (1974 Capricorn)

I'm not a big fan of  a certain kind of miserable forage country music that i supposed this perhaps may be when i bought it for some euros, but this is not like it all. On the contrary, this makes me feel good and smiley. I think laid-back is the right word with this... and of course Allman Brothers. Nice album to listen in this late April's swelter.

My "Allman Bros. specialist" friend Jukka announced me that the best song from Dick Betts is "In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed".

So, here it comes: " In Memory of Elizabeth Reed" (not from this album)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Golden Earring - S/T (1970 Dwarf)

My latest find. Wow! I did not know Golden Earring was this good band.
yellow and blue:
see see:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Forever Amber - The Love Cycle (1969 re 2007)

The songwriting is mostly irritating and Beatles imitating crap. They are too young and inevitably late, so they can only try to simulate psych-pop and the result is artificial, embarrassing jumble. Nothing on the album is real, but average imitation. "The Dreamer Flies Back" is quite decent, even it tries to imitate early Pink Floyd. And... "On Top Of My Own Special Mountain" is quite good too.

The Terminal Barbershop - Hair Styles (1969 Atco)

Maybe it is not absolutely wrong to say this is the third album from the baroque psych-rock group called "Ars Nova". At least four ex Ars Nova members appear on this project. I have for long been annoyed on listening any versions of Hair musical. This will be the absolutely last one...and only one as well. What i'm trying to say is: Terminal  Barbershop takes the hair music on a very different "ars nova" -level when comparing it to the original one. Would be interesting to hear what reasons led them to make an album hair covers. After all this may be the best rendition of that old hippie musical. The  version of for example "Where Do I Go" is enjoyable. A footnote: There seems to be only one copy of this available on ebay now and someone asks 100 dollars for it! I purchased this for 3 euros and that is about 4 dollars. Max price for this, when ex cond... and when two insane bidders do not meet on ebay, is, i think, 15 dollars.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Kaleidoscope - Faintly Blowing (1969 Fontana this re by Sunbeam 2011)

Faintly Blowing sounds considered "psych" album in pure style. But... in my years it is even too smooth and too produced. In some parts Kaleidoscope's music on this album ladles from English folk music and the so called "psychedelic" aspect is a bit like superimposed. The folk back is okay.  Good album, good musicianship and great production. Nice artifact. But...  sorry to say in my ears when concerning psychrock, Kaleidoscope in just a skillful follower. "Feathered Tiger" could be Dylan's song. After all... This album is a classy product with one excellent, top track: "Faintly blowing" which sounds a bit like early Barret-Pink-Floyd. It really is top, but on the other hand albums  fuller track "Music" is a flop with it's ridiculous sound "scenes".

20 Heavy Hits (Crystal 1971)

Nice collection. Strawberry Alarm Clock; Incense & Peppermint among many other good ones.

Spooky Tooth - Spooky Two (1969 Island)

This is my first Spooky Tooth album. No..., in fact i once owned "Mirror" but did not like it at all. I yet could not resist purchasing this one for two euros though i had made myself clear ST is not music for me. Fortunately i did it because this their second album is quite good. Yet it sound a bit forced like everything i have heard from them. What makes this better than the rest of the ST that i have heard is the rough American sound. The musicianship is okay, but i can't help me getting a feeling they are not on their own enough. I can not explain to myself why Spooky Tooth sounds counterfeited.