Thursday, December 6, 2012

Gilgamesh - S/T (1975 Caroline)

Very enjoyable Canterbury Scene fusion-prog-rock. Phil Lee occasionally plays his instrument sounding like John McLaughlin and the musicianship on the whole is great, but i can't avoid thinking there somehow are two levels in their music: First it is a bit like a thesis of a Fusion School. All the methods and cliches of playing the music of this distinct genre have been adapted fully. Secondly they concentrate too much on the pedagogic and formal aspects instead of the deeper content and meanings. Maybe what i say here is a cliche itself but it is how i feel when listening the record. Gilgamesh is still a fine entity even it too often misses Enkidu's point of view. ...One day later: The more i hear this the more i like it beginning to hear Enkidu running among the game on steppe. Getting better by every spin.