Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Capability Brown - From Scratch (1972 Charisma / Buddah)

From Scratch causes ambivalent feelings on me. There are some ok covers: A Rare Bird cover "Beautiful Scarlet" and "Liar" from Argent, but i think the rest of the album is more their own style and does better.
When listening "Do You Believe" on headphones i imagine hearing some "Yes" kind of passages and even Kenny Rowe on bass sounding like Chris Squire.

I will be there:
Day In Day Out:
Do You Believe:

ID - Where Are We Going (1975/77 Aura)

Frank Zappa once asked What's new in Baltimore? He probably never heard this psychoanalysis based intelligent design output. This hard psych prog rock album is full of killer fuzzy guitar and mellotron. The sound scene is so full you never get bored even there aren't many identifiable compositions/melodies. One could describe this proto-punk-prog: a bit late to be protoprog and a bit early to be punk. So i hear this music psych-prog played with a charmingly aggressive approach of punk attitude. If you like Hawkwind i'm sure you'd like ID.

Friday, June 7, 2013

CCR Poster

Tuntematon Tekijä - Ihmemaa (1985 CBS)

Some dealers say this is prog but i'm not so sure of that. There where at least two reasons why i picked this one up. The first is: Jorma Sauvala who is responsible for this album was my room mate when we were accomplishing  our obligatory military service in Finnish army. The other reason is i have never heard a song made of Margaret Thatcher. Now i know there are some by Morissey, Elvis Costello, and even Pink Floyd for example. The third reason for purchasing this was it cost only 5 eggs. Jorma Sauvala's MT is a leather dressed dominant with a whip and so on... This album is a hard one to categorize and stand. It is not progressive rock but maybe it tries to be progressive on some hardcore disco 80's way. Ihmemaa is not bad and occasionally it is even quite good but on the whole it is a bit hard to understand both musically and lyrically.
Tuntematon tekijä = Unknown factor
Ihmemaa = A wonderland