Friday, March 4, 2016

Kalevala Orchestra - People No Names (Lp Re Svart 2015)

Allthough I'm Finnish (a person from Finland) myself and have listened to prog rock since early 70s, I never paid much attention to Kalevala Orchestra back then. I have put the band somewhere in the backroom of my interest. Now I'm trying to recall why i did so, because Paeople No Names turns out to be excellent prog rock. It took me about 40 years to notice it. Again, why? First I thought it was because I maybe did not like Harri Saksala's voice too much, but as a matter of fact he sings only on two tracks (and nowadays I like his singing on this album). Then I think I remembered why... It was later in 70s when I first time heard Kalevala. Their deput album's songs were not played a lot on the radio back then, but in 1978 their second album Boogie Jungle's song Boogie was played a lot. I recall that liked it but not more than progressive rock and I must have thought Kalevala Orchestra is mostly boogie style music. It is'n, not at all. This People No Names album did not sell a lot at that time it was released and accurate and original albums are nowadays very rare and hard to find. One seems to have been sold for about 1000 euros on ebay. So I did not have too many opportunities to listen to the real and progressive Kalevala Orchestra before this rerelease by Svart Records. The cover art is quite repulsive and my mental image of Kalevala being mostly boogie rock have formed my feelings to Kalevala orchestra through these years. Now I know the music of the band better and
thank Svart Records for reissuing this.

After all that personal speculation and recolloction of mine I just say that if you are in prog rock and have never heard of Kalevala Orchestra before,  I can foresee you may like them too. Their  third album Abraham's Blue Refrain is a bit milder and lighter effort, but not bad at all. Their second album Jungle Boogie maybe too under rated too, because it differs from these two others, but if you like straight boogie rock and have an open mind, it may please you as well.

If you dont like the main track People No Names because of the vocalist's sound, don't give up too easily. The other tracks are mostly instrumental and maay delight you more. After all I think this album earns a place as a classic among the others in the prog music genre.

Special respect to: Matti Kurkinen the band's guitarist would have challenged the two Finnish guitar maestros Jukka Tolonen and Albert Järvinen, if he only had not bee run down by a truck in a bus stop in 1975.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

J. K. & Co. - Suddenly One Summer (1968 White Whale)

This one is on the second place on my list of The Most Underrated albums ever. So beautiful, light psychedelic music. Jay Kaye must be a genius when making this as a teenager, 16 or somethng. I love this album. I found this in 2009 and if i someday give away my record collection this is one of the last albums to let go.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Chango - Honey Is Sweeter Than Blood (1976 Mercury)

Some seem to say Chango is a Santana clone. It isn't. Chango is Chango. Enjoyable progressive latin rock.

Wet Willie - Wet Willie (1971 Capricorn)

Southern boogie rock is not my cup of tea, but this is quite ok. Picked this at a flea just because of the funny cover art.

Soft Machine - Bundles (1975 Harvest)

Excellent album by Soft Machine. This sounds even better than their previous albums.

Stranglers . The Raven (UA 1979)

I like this easy listening Stranglers style punk rock. Hypnotic like Violent Femmes. Zappa and Violent Femmes crossover...?