Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Neon - Neon 1970 Paramount

I love this kind of hilarious album covers. On the first side there is something that sounds like CCR. The side two of this album is much better than the first side, because they ( i think) just do what they are and at the same time are a bit more free from commercial expectations than on the first side and just play together jamming and listening each others.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Bang - Bang (re Svart)

Very good music. At first i thought the singer of this band was a bit slow or my record player is a bit slow but then i found out not. This album by Bang is something i have never before heard. This is great. Why so? Because i can listen to this over and over again. Why so? Don't know. Quite simple music but i'm simple too. Is this some kind of proto something? I'm sinking i'm listening i'm sure this is something from the roots of rock.

Bang - Mother (re by Svart)

Mother. Quite different from their first album. Good guitar but the compositions are not any special. American sound is the why i accept this as good album. It is hard to understand why a Finnish record label Svart chose to remake this. Thick gatefold cover. Yes i like those original American thick cardboard folds but why did they choose this band to make a new version? This is a very nice music artefact with quite nice music inner too, but still...