Friday, November 18, 2011

Karen Beth - The Joys Of Life (1969 Decca)

Authentic and unaffected. She is present in every tone and word she sings. At times she sounds a bit like Annie Haslam, but is more there and so better.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mr. Flood's Party - S/T (1969 Cotillion)

Mr. Flood's Party in one of the most unexpected lightly psychedelic rock albums i have heard for a long time. Everything on this very special album is on high level. This is a treasure one would like to hide and never to tell anybody a word about. I feel lucky to own a copy of this and have a chance to give it a spin whenever i like to feel "high". Mind Circus...!

The Mama's and The Papa's - If You Can believe Your Eyes and Ears (1966)

California Dreaming.

The Youngbloods - Rock Festival (1970 WB)

I like these jamming jazzy moments like "Josiane".

King Crimson - In Wake Of Poseidon (1970)

Esoteric and shady. Naive or pretentious. You have to believe me how i have tried to understand this after me told this is something on the top. I remember listening to this at my friend's in early 70s, but was not impressed even then. Can't explain what it exactly is KC misses. The Crown? Everything seems to be at its right place...but is not. Artificial, pretentious daydreaming.... messy oratorio by some unknown cult. And the libretto is pure cat food. What bothers me most with this is: they (Fripp and Sinfield) seem to be absolutely serious with their "message". Whatever it was. At least bad poetry and boring twiddling driven by dragging, endless and pathetic sound of mellotron.

Mint Tattoo - S/T (1969 DOT)

A total disappointment. Weird cover "art". One would guess this album is full of surplus songs which did not have room on their previous album, but there is no previous album, this is their sole one. "Vampire Symphony" is bearable. Good guitar work is the only light in this emptiness. Sorry! Nipples censored by me.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Michele O'Malley - Saturn Rings (1969 ABC re Fallout 2005)

Nice, cool, relaxing and solid set of hippie-psych folk by Michele. Most of the songs are composed by Curt Boettcher. Lowell George plays flute and harmonica (previously in Mothers, later in Little Feat) and Elliot Ingber guitar (Mothers, Fraternity of Man, Capt. Beefheart) on the album. Other musicians are Mike Melvoin and Bobby Notkoff/Narkoff. I think there is a studio band supporting too. The sounds and production are great. This album sounds better and better on every round and is slowly and indelibly growing on me.

Penny Nichols - Penny's Arcade (1968 Buddah)

Relatively versatile folk-psych-baroque-jazz-country-pop tinged set. At times, especially on "Mountain Song" she sounds a bit like Annie Haslam. Very enjoyable and relaxing.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tea & Symphony - An Asylum To The Musically Insane (1969 Harvest re)

Poo..oop! Are they trying to be mysterious, clever and funny at the same time? Nonsense at its best, when genuine, can be great, but this is just pretentious counterfreiting wannabee nonsense. If this band were an acting group, i'm sure they would have confidently staged the whole production of Shakespeare's in one hour, including two tea breaks.

...36hrs later. Don't know what happened. I have listened this about six times now. After the first time i felt what i wrote above, and more. Then i had to turn to the album again and again. It forced me. I didn't know i was musically insane... How can one's mind turn around 180 degrees in 36 hours? I was sure they were just self-indulgently mocking me and now i feel like being home in this music.

...48hrs later. "Terror in My Soul" is my fave. The whole back side is better than the front side. The front side sounds like warming up for the back side. I now feel with this album like hearing Frank Zappa's music first time when i was fifteen. I liked FZ immediately. I'm fifty-three now and and cynically reserved of getting same feelings never again. So, I didn't like this from the first moment. I hated this. I was angry, because the immediate emotion how his came across was jeering, self-absorbing, scornful, empty... and now I have totally settled down at this asylum.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Yellow Payges - Volume 1 (1969 UNI)


I'm a man / Here 'tis

The Two of Us :

Whitney Sunday - S/T (1970 Decca)

Good forgotten band.

We Five - Catch The Wind (1970 Vault)

I like this kind of momentary album covers. You cant catch the wind and there goes our sun.

Kell Street Camp Meeting - Dinner And Joy On the Ground (1971 Paula)

This is first time when i copy paste a review. I do it because this music is beyond my knowledge.

The Kell Street Camp Meeting were a “Christian Revival” concept more than an actual group that featured Mouse & The Traps leader Ronny “Mouse” Weiss (lead guitar).

The musicians on this album also included Randy Fouts (piano-autoharp), Dave Floyd (bass), Paul Liem (drums), Uncle Snork (rhythm guitar-lead vocals), Bobby Tuttle (steel guitar), A.C. Green (harmonica), Perry Buck Stewart (mouth harp), Walt Robertson (tuning fork) and backed by a choir that included John Bass, Jim Batts, Yvonne Gary, Esther Broughton and others.

The album also featured a live audience who went by the name of Kell Street Joy Freek Audience that gave the impression of a “live” revival gathering. The album has that late sixties gospel feel and musically the group reminds me a lot of the Band. Great versions of a few standards such as “Farther Along”, “Great Speckled Bird” and “Will The Circle Be Unbroken” (Jack Dominilla)

According to the album’s liner notes:

“The Kell Street Joy Freeks don’t hardly exist, mostly. I mean we’re not a rock group that decided to do a hymn album for the bread. At first, there were two of us, me and Jim Batts, and we liked hymn, and some of our friends did, so they joined us, and after a while there were 30 of us, singing hymns in the living room.

So we hooked up with 10 or so other friends and went and did this album in Tyler, Texas. And there were Methodists there, and Catholics, Church Of Christ, Assembly Of God, Baptists, on like that, and atheists, and radical-middle-of-the-road agnostics, all housed in bodies of various hues.

We all got different things out of doing this album. Some of us did it for the music, and some for Jesus. All of us did it for the Joy in coming together, and we’re putting our album out to pass on our Joy, because Joy dies if you keep it to yourself.

So now some of us are talking about trucking out on the road with some friends. Maybe we’ll see you there.”

Peace, Children of Light
Uncle Snork

Review is copypasted from great "Redtelephone66" site

Keef James - One Tree Or Another (1972 Rare Earth)

Produced by Rolling Stones manager Andrew "Satisfaction" Oldham. Rick Wakeman playing keys. Orchestrated, less known nice album by Keith Felstead. Fuzzy guitar, woodwinds...

Lily & Maria - S/T (1968 Columbia)

Almost perfect album. Björk is one of my favorite singers and "I Was" is near her style. Lily and Maria are a mix of my favorite folkpsych singer-songwriters Sandy Hurvitz, Linda Perhacs and Björk. Stunning...intoxicating... When listening to "I Was" i feel like being a coral fish peacefully diving deeper and deeper in safe clear waters.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Women Blue - 16 Lost US Femvox Classics (2009 Past & Present CD)

Kathy Smith, Penny Nichols, Karen Beth, Amanda Trees, Lily and Maria, Bonnie Koloc and Michele for example. Great voices! Folk, pop, blue(s) and psychedelia.
Kathy Smith, What Nancy Knows:
Penny Nichols, Mountain Song:

Randy Burns - Of Love And War (1966 ESP)

Dylan -tyylistä näppäilymusaa. Mies, kitara ja folkääni. You may have to be American to deeply love this music, but in these ultima thule forests under northern lights... this beautiful acoustic campfire music... works too.