Sunday, December 4, 2011

Justen O'Brien & Jake - Time Will Tell (1978 re 2010)

I got this for birthday present. There is a saying that one shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. How would that work when concerning music...? Never review music that you have handseled? "Time Will Tell" is quite hard case in many meanings. People who have reviewed it on the web seem without exception to say it is psychedelic. I can hardly localize any psych elements on it. Mostly it is light, easily floating easy listening synth-pop. This kind of rare private press albums tend to grow some extra halo around, if there is a good story to tell with it. And this one has. It is how Justen disappeared after getting the record ready in 1978. He was told to be abducted by Ufo and taken away. The drummer Jake's knowledge was that Justen passed away. Jake didn't even like Justen's record, but skeet shot half of all the 1000 records. Justen was finally found around 1995 and second time in 2008 in a motel in Alaska by Douglas Mcgowan. There entire amusing story is written on the inside cover. After all i have to confess that i listen to this album willingly, but at the same time i understand that the possible cult status around it is rigged to create more interest around a quite mediocre synth-(jazz)lounge-pop record. If you like for example Donald Fagen's Nightfly or Gino Vanelli's The Gist of The Gemini, you may like this ok too.

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