Monday, June 18, 2012

Jukka Gustavson Organ Fusion Band with Strings - Root & Stalk & Flower Music (2011 RockAdillo)

Music for modern gardeners? The upper sleeve is a painting on wild flowers but inner sleeves are full of pictures of flowers in garden. Just garden flowers... not even one radish, beetroot, carrot, swede or turnip. But yet there is some beatroot to find among all those roses, lilies and daffodils. Fortunately there aren't any white lilies! "Being" is my all time favourite Wigwan album. Jukka G played organ and other keys with them and was the head of the band on Being. The music on this one is serious fusion, funky fusion, progressive rock, blues, classical music, and skillful musicianship of course. But to the roots again... this is not any "Happy Hammond" -music and it is just a good thing that there do not grow any hidden beetroots (in finnish "punajuuri" = redroot) in Gustavson's garden anymore, but the "beatroot" of "Being" which still grows seasoning here and there is the best thing on the album. once more... Most i like those parts where i can hear some echoes from Being and when JG sings. He is a great sounding original vocalist too.The rest material around and the main beingbeetroot sound of the album is important and obligatory framework. R&S&FM is very Hammond-organic music and JG will allways be my favourite organist. "This Elegy Will Always be" is my favorite piece after hearing the album two times for now.

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