Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012

US 69 - Yesterdays Folks (1969 Buddah)

This is music for me! Great, great album. It is a easygoing journey without map or gps from location a to location x never touring or seeing once passed places again, and that is the way i like music. Every second brings something new to your ears. Great trip!

Fever Tree - Creation (1969 Uni)

Dali style enigmatic cover art. Album's music is quite enigmatic too, but not infered from the cover art. Wild Woman Ways:

Jericho - S/T (1972 A&M re 2011Acid Nightmare)

Great hard-prog-psych album. The guitarist plays well and the sound of his guitar is pleasant especially on track "Justin and Nova" which is a great piece of rock.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tee And Cara - As They Are (1969 United Artists)

Tee Sapoff and Cara Beckenstein, 18 and 16 years old John Adams high school students from NY in 1969 have created an atmospheric album. Before they went duo there was a third wheel too, but after few sessions Tee and Cara found this form better. Have to admit their voices fit well together. These young talented musicians have of course written all but two of the songs by themselves. Beatles's Hard days night they do is nice, slow and soulful version too. I think i can hear they were more than a s-s-w duo. The picture on the cover is moodfull. I would like to shared that moment of meal on the pavement edge with them.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Phantom's Divine Comedy - Part 1 (1974 re 2003)

Tom Carson sounds a bit like Iggy Pop but his melodramacy is more forced. Gary Meissner on guitar is very good. The others are John Bdanjeck (d,p), Dennis Craner (b) and Mike DeMartino (k). The entire album is a kind of hard-psych operetta. I can imagine seeing scenes come replaced by Phantom's recitative briefing when guitarist Carson conveys the story line. Overall this less known light and "mysterious" rock opera is high-class art work.

Design - Tomorrow I So Far Away

A big disappointment! This is a vocal group with guitar and the harmony singing is not very harmonic at times. I don't care of this kind of music. But who cares.

The Zig Zag People - Take Bubble Gum Music Underground (1969 Decca)

Gum goes under quite interestingly. Chewy chewy! Some say that though TZZP actually existed, this album is mostly played by a studio band with no name. Fuzzy guitar, horny horns and more. Bubble gum goes under ground and raises in every hole on the earth and keeps on growin in theirpsychedelic garden.

Ron Nagle - Bad Rice (1970 WB)

Rock'n roll and real life ballads. Ron has something to say and his message and lyrics appear at least as important as his songs. there is nothing left from his light psych past and the anti drug piece "Marijuana Hell" is one those where the song and the lyrics are in pleasant balance. I like these crazy american album covers. Ron seems to be a companion of misfortune to me. I know exactly what bad rice may cause. It happened years ago in school eatery. I was eating cabbage casserole made of cabbage and rice. Some grains were still rocky and broke one my tooth. Fortunately it was not any front tooth like what seems to have happened to poor Ron. He later "went down to 61 clay" in his own pottery making wonderful ceramic art. He now is retired professor of ceramics. I really'd like to have one of those artefacts made by him.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Bill Puka - S/T (1970)

I like to dig and pick up this kind of totally unknown never heard records when available cheap at flea. Singer/songwriter pianist Bill Puka is not bad at all. There is something he wants to say and he does in some bluesy way with the help of about 30 person named on the back cover. Bill Puka seems to be a professor Ph. D since 1980. It was funny to notice that John Rawls was one of his advisors. I happen to know Rawls's Theory of Justice as i have studied philosophy and taught it some courses in high school too. Billy Cobham, Ron Carter and Mike Mainieri are told to be present on the album but there is no mention of the first two on the cover. Nice and interesting album!