Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ben - S/T (1971 Vertigo re 2003 Akarma)

I had never heard jazz-rock group and album Ben before i purchased this yesterday. The two first long tracks "The Influence" and "Gibbon" are both quite good clear and light fusion. "The Influence" is the best piece of the album but "Gibbon" does not pale much in comparison. On "Gibbon", there are some delicious Zappaish "Uncle Meat" -like passages. After "Gibbon" the rest music on the album goes minute by minute musically downwards. The whole dragging reverse side is just both light twiddling, exercising and sampling. That was how i liked it yesterday, but after listening the album several times for now i have began to like the other side too. What i like most is many Zappa-like moments.

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