Friday, August 31, 2012

Kosmos - Polku (2007)

When i first saw this album cover and read the name of the Finnish folk band Kosmos, from Turku , i was sure this would be some kind of cheap New Age shit. After hearing samples of their music on youtube, i was exposed  for a moment to purchase all their three albums. Now i'm listeling this "Polku" and i have to say something again: I'm one with a scientific worldview but i have no difficulty to listen to this at all. Olli Valtonen's lyrics maybe are not on any TS Eliott level and maybe Päivi Kylmänen's vocals is "only" on her  authentic level, but that is no problem. On the contrary, Päivi's pure vocals, Olli's purely simple lyrics and those seldom in folk music used instruments like mellotron, synthethisator, congas, bassoon, flute etc. and the great musicianship work all together to the same direction to create an authentic athmosphere. Paivi as vocalist does not try to be anything more than she can and so she makes it and fits seamlessly to the music. The musicianship on this record is very good and the song are very good too, so what could be wrong? Nothing is really wrong with this album, i can hear some lost possibilities, maybe concerning on the production. This is real and authentic postfolk from Turku, Finland. In some parts Kosmos reminds me of another Finnisf group "Kuusumun Profeetta".  Vieraat:

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