Friday, September 21, 2012

My First Fifty-Sixty Zappa Record

This album is where my Zappa trip began. it was in 1973, i believe. My best friend Juha living on my neighborhood in Kukonharja village introduced this to me. This is how it happened: I won a cassette recorder at a Bingo. Soon i purchased an empty cassette too and went  my friend's to record some tracks from his older brothers vinyls. First we taped CCR's Cosmos factory which i found quite good and some old and familiar Beatles songs of course that i liked too. That was the kind of music i had learned to hear for some years  english and american pop and prog too! Then there were still about then minutes time on my cassette tape and Juha offered me to add there one track from his big brother's Frank Zappa album Overnite Sensation. I had never even heard of FZ before. The cover of the album looked interesting and we chose to put "Fifty-Fifty" on the end of the tape. I still remember hearing Fifty Fifty the first time, i just listened and was a bit confused too.Then i went home, it was late evening in fall 1973 and i went to sleep. The next day i listened the tape and after one round i forget CCR and The Beatles and stuck on Fifty-Fifty. I was 15, confused and amazed at the same time. What the f is this? No matter what this music is exactly what i had wanted to hear if i ever had been able to know what to except from rock music. From this point started my trip to Zappa's music and it has been my home all these years. Fifty-Fifty, Zomby Woof...

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