Saturday, November 17, 2012

Orange Bicycle - S/T (1970 re 2012)

Since i have known the existence of this album i have assumed it would be more psychedelic tinged music it now turns out to be. Orange Bicycle was Wilson Malone's band but there are only for his compositions. One  track is by band's bass player Bachini and the other are covers. The best of them are Malone's "Hallelujah Moon" which is more than the other ones like the songs on his later solo album, which otherwise than this album is a great one, and Bachini's "Back" which is very good and a bit towars psychedelic elements. Something may tell  that one of the best  tracks on the record "Country Comfort" is by Elton John and Bernie Taupin. Orange Bicycle performs neat well played and produced rock and i like a lot R.T. Scales's vocals but in it's entirety it is a bit disappointment. It sounds they had plenty of talent but not a real musical leader and good enough songs of their own. Malone's solo album 10 - Orange Bicycle 7.

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