Friday, September 20, 2013

Saint Just - S/T (1973 Harvest this re by AMS)

I was thinking which one of their two albums are better and now i feel it is not even hard to decide. This is it.
It sounds more authentic, flowing and jammy. The first half minute of the first track "Quando nel mondo..." begins like some gnoissienne or gymnopedie by Eric Satie. On the whole the first song is great. Jenni Sorrenti sings much better on this their first album than on their second an final one. Some tend to say she sounds like Annie Haslam, but i'd say it is a bit too wide heard. Aniie's vocals is sometimes too clinical to me and Jenni sounds a bit too raw, but at the same time real,  true and alive.The more i listen to this the more sure i am this is a significant record of music by young Italians. The combination of the instruments played here fits perfectly in their music. And Italian language fits too.

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