Friday, September 20, 2013

The Keith Tippet Group - Dedicated To You - But You Weren't Listening (1971 Vertigo this re by Akarma)

Nice cover art. The album title itself is the best i have ever seen. The music is naturally flowing avant-garde without causing any headache. If it is right to say Zappa did some avant-garde i'd say this Tippett is occasionally close to Zappa's. Great music. One of the best albums i happily have purchased by intuition these days. I'm not any specialist of anything and not the jazz at all but i dare to say this better than any other i have heard till now. This time Vertigo hit the Bull's eye, maybe not financially but musically. Colosseum / Valentyne's Suite nad Tippet / Dedicated To You... A Perfect pair?

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