Friday, March 21, 2014

Tabula Rasa - Ekkedien Tanssi (The Dance of the Ekkedies) (1976 Love Records, this re by Svart)

This their second album is kind of smooth prog. I think they don't try to express anything more than there is and happens to exist. And that is why they make it. I find their first album an immature effort trying to say something deep, they don't really get. In spite of the fact that i'm a finn and a prog lover too, i have never been a big fan of Tabula Rasa. I have usually thought it is ok and there may be one or some beautiful tracks but not much more. Now when older i have to say this prog musicbook sounds more than okay. And nice cover art too. Some people for example Tovan från Sverige? on RYM say this is too cheesy to be real prog, but i say their whole sound the keyboards and Silvennoinen's personal guitar (both sound and playing) and the base guitar and everything... is real...Tabula Rasa sound. Ok, after all "Ekkedien Tanssi" may be a bit like meeting Josef Knecht and Harry Haller the day after being the whole night at a Camembert party with Gala D. Ekkedien tanssi:
What languages sound like to foreigners, by a finnish girl

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