Monday, August 4, 2014

Nektar - Remember The Future (1973 UA)

I had allmost forgotten this one and never liked it too much. I decided to give it a spin... a new try. Hmmm... Bluebird... an ET from outer space telling a blind boy how to save the Earth or something like that. I had absolutely no diffuiculties to listen this one out now and i liked specially the first side. Unfortunately on the other side the musical ideas seem to dry up and their wishing well seems to drain. The last few minutes are just prolonging to cross the finishing line. "Remember The Future" is relaxing easy flowing easy listening listening progrock. Commercial sound maybe the right term to describe it. The musicianship is excellent and the best element on trhe music is the transitions and changes in rhythm. What botheres me is a kind of AOR sound. I give the first side 7 out of 10 and the other side 6/10.

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