Thursday, October 23, 2014

Marc Brierley - Welcome To The Citadel (1968 CBS this re 2014 Cherry Tree)

The first song "The Answer Is" sounds just like i remind Andy Zwerling sounding on his "Spiders in The Night" (1971) album. There is also something on this "Citadel" that puts Will Malone (1970) on my mind. Maybe they have listened to Marc? I like this kind of misleadingly "simple" sounding folk stuff. It is simple in good way and not simple at all for example  in Beatles's "Yesterday" way. :-) I really said that...!!!  Even when MB says his music has some West Coast effects for example from Lovin Spoonful, Jefferson Airplane, Mamas and Papas and even Mothers Of The Invention he has hided and smelted those effects quite skillfully and naturally just as some general hints somewhere in the wider and deeper background of his album. At least i can't hear many The Mothers/ FZ effects and i know their music from F to Z. Rather there are stronger elements of his own country's traditional folk music.

Now when i have heard this some more times now i think the song "Vagabond of Sleep" sounds a bit like Velvet Underground on their first album. And then one more new note: "Matchbox Men" reminds me of Sixto Rodriguez on his Coming from Reality (great album!) not necessarily much because of the music but because of the way of singing =  articulation, the way of singing crystal clearly specially the ends of the words. That is something that makes the song feel even better. "Take me To a Ride On Your Aeroplane"  sounds a bit like Donovan or some.

Even this reminds me of some more familiar to me folk singers "Welcome to C" is largely Marc Brierley's own music. Absolutely. Excellent album.

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