Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Morse Code Transmission - 2 (1972 this re)

Straight Canadian flavoured hard progressive rock from Canada. A lot of organ and jammy guitar boogie. Douple album but not too long for me at all. No ...---... feelings here at all. On the contrary.

Fron Page Review - Mystic Soldiers (1968 re Guerssen 2013)

There are of course some other  "This is one of the greatest..." arguments by me too, but this is one of those, with no doubt, of course. This is not only good but near great album.  Not as good as J.K.Co but quite near.

Master's Apprentices - Choice Cuts (1971 thi re Lucky Picgs)

Great  sounding hard psych prog rock. Some early punk rock elements are to be heard too, i think.

Valhalla - Valhalla (1969)

I'm so glad i have found some xcellent records these days. This is great prog influenced hard rock with organ and fuzzy guitar. Music for my ears. Read the review by RDTEN on RYM. I agree with him.

Bodkin - Three Days After Death (1972 this re)

Excellent organ and guitar driven heavish psych rock. One for me!

Stud - Stud (1971 re ?)

Yet another album and band i had never heard before. Awesome! Excellent, Super, Great,  ..

Philips EL-3302 Cassette Recorder

One of my first joint to music, a cassette recorder Philips EL-3302. I have recently purchased a very first cassette recorder Philips EL-3300 too. And have ordered new belts from Germany. It's amazing new parts for these kinds of old artefacts are still made and available. Isn't world great! Pure nostalgia! I.m going to go back to cassettes too...

Second Hand - Death May Be Your Santa Claus (1971 this re later)

Second hand music? I thank you group "Second Hand". I shake hands with you with my third hand. I also kept my third eye open all the way when listening. My third eye is my third ear as well. Jet i can not understand why some talented musicians decided to found a group and make music like this. Maybe they wanted to make some money. Yes this is so commercial music. You must be millionaires now. I'm in heaven still finding bands and albums like this and not only albums like this but just this.

Thank you The Second Hand you revujenated me some decades and brought me back to those years and feelings when i was 16 and found FZ first time.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Glass Family - Electric Band (1968 Warner Re Maplewood Records)

This is one of the best psychedelic music albums i have heard. Listening this makes me happy.

Thanks a lot for your music, you three.

Ant Trip Ceremony - 24 Hours (1968 re Vinyl Lovers)

I like a this kind of music, jamming psych-hippie stuff. No special high lights there because the whole album lights high enough with no need to try anything else than you can express. Very good music from start to the end.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Le Orme - Collage (1971 Philips LP re 2015)

Very worth to listen prog rock and occasionally it sounds a bit like Emerson playing Hammond organ. PFM was the fist Italian band i listened to and i owned a couple of albums in 70's. Now 40 years later i found Le Orme and they both will have a permanent place in my record self.

Houston Fearless - S/T (1968 Imperial)

This guitar and organ driven psychedelic hard rock band from Texas sounds very good to me.

Neil Young Cover Mr Soul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJxvwoaFzQc

Monday, July 27, 2015

Triumvirat - Illusions On A Double Dimple (1973 Harvest)

Sounds like ELP. Like it. They occasionally get, echo and use the "Tarkus" organ sound and that's a great achievement per se.

Wishbone Ash - New England 81976 MCA)

Hipgnosis cover meaning and telling what? Tell me you Englishmen. Is there a new England now?

Triumvirat - Mediterranean Tales Across The Waters (1972 Harvest)

Nice or ELP but very nice listening experience anyway. I like it.Here they occasionally catch the Brain salad Surgery Karn Evil sound even before ELP themselves did it. That''s funny.

Zager & Evans - The Early Writings of Zager & Evans And Others (White Whale )

Side one is Z&E but the other side in J.K. & Co. from album Suddenly One Summer. Maybe J.K. is the other. Or it is just a mispres? Mody Dick may know it. And Starbuck.

J.K. & Ko Suddenly One Summer is by the way one of the best American psych albums and i'm lucky to own an original vinyl copy of it.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Linda Hargrove - Music Is Your Mistress (1973 Electra)

One more pick at a flea today. The Electra Label is.. i used to t think.. is a kind of hippie music label.. Well maybe it is not and i have learnt isn't. But.. Linda's songs are .. Linda's songs. Good songs. The gatefold thick cardboard cover with the interesting cover photo with the lyrics inside and the songs itself are something i like to have. Sensitive and deep feelings. Good that you have made this album Linda. OK, I noticed now Linda is not here anymore, but anyway... through your music You will always be here.

I like these american album covers, because they mostly tell me more than most of those annoying artificial symbolistic English Hipgnosis covers.

Randy Burns and The Sky Dog band -Still On Our Feet (1973 Polydor)

Just another find today at flea. I already have their one other album but have never met this before. It was easy to decide to pick this for a couple of euros. This album as i audit it just now contains very well made folkish style music west coast music. The reason i pick up this kind of casual ones is to find something not a familiar to me. And this feels to be a real keeper. Well and seriously made moody music. A mixed bag in a good way.

Sassafras - Riding High (1976 Chrysalis)

An English band? Picked this one today at a flea. I already have their two previous albums and this sounds a bit different as far as i recall, more country or boogie style maybe. This is good music anyway, not the kind of music i usually listen to, but very good southern straight forward rural pub rock or something like that anyway Whatever genre or sub-genre this is they do and play it with style and skill. "Riding High" sounds a bit like Eagles's "Take it Easy".

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Sepi Kuu - Rannan Usvassa (1980 HELP re Shadocks 2015)

After listening this first time I was not sure what to think about it. The more i spend time in the Fog of a Shore (Rannan Usvassa), the more it hypnotizes me.

I wonder if Mika Rättö from band Kuusumun Profeetta already knew this album.

Juu, tulipa ostettua, vaikka melko hintava levy onkin. Ensin aattelin, kerran kuunneltuani hieman pettyneitä ajatuksia, mutta jo toisella kerralla aloin päästä sisään. Jotain tutunomaista tässä musiikissa myös on, on vain vaikea keksiä mitä se tuttuus on. Väliin tulee musiikillisia muistumia Kuusumun Porofeetan Hiljaisuuden saliin ja heti perään vedestä nousee Peitsamon kasvi. Levyn kakkospuoli on mielestäni parempi ja olenkin kuunnellut pelkästään sitä useampaan kertaan. Pidän kovasti. Ymmärrän hyvin ettei tämä levy vuonna 1980 noussut yleisempään tietoisuuteen, olihan silloin valittavissa kaupan levyhyllyssä Pelle Miljoonaakin ja moottoritie oli paljon hotimpaa kuin hämyjen runojen kuuntelu puhelauluna rannan usvassa. Toisaalta puhelaulua lähellä Pellenkin laulu on. Ihme jos Rättö ei Kuusumun Profeettoineen ole saanut vaikutteita Sepi Kuulta. Levyn soundit on muuten erittäin hyvät. Johtuneeko siitä, en tiedä kun en ole koskaan kuullut alkuperäisen levyn soundeja, että se on äänitetty autiotalossa ja akustiikka natsaa yhteen Tolan runojen ja Sepin minimalistisen folktyylin kanssa. Perusasioissa ainakin ollaan ihan eri tavalla kuin vaikkapa Hectorin näennäis-perus-kokemusten kautta jossain lumi teki enkelin eteiseen linjalla. Musiikin kuunteluun liittyy paljon mystisyyttä. Tässä sitä on tarjolla, varmaan ihan tarkoituksellisestikin. Toisaalta tuskin kukaan tällä kukaan enää jälkikäteenkään rahoiksi pistää. Kulttuuriteko tämä on pikemminkin. Nykymusiikki on jo vuosia tehty samalla tylsällä kaavalla ja tuotannolla. Monet ovat kyllästyneet ja Sepi Kuun kaltainen löydös on silkkaa sisältöä ja rootsia tämän nykysteriilin massatuotannon keskelle. Autiotalossa äänitetty yhden miehen bändin akustinen suomi-folk, eihän tätä kamaa ainakaan liikaa ole tarjolla.

Gong - Radio Gnome Invisible Part 2 Angel's Egg (1973 Twin Virgin)

Is it just psychological effect that listening this original mint shape Angel's Egg vinyl the music sounds and feels quite different than if listening a CD version of it. Angel's Egg is clever music, occasionally a bit like zappaesque  playful. Excellent album and Gong's best album.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wishbone Ash - S/T (1970 MCA)

1. Rock'n roll with your blind eye
2. Prog'n roll and drink wiskey with a lady
3. Folk'n stroll with some errors on your ways
4. Hop'n holl with your tortoise queen
1. Dexterous
2. Progxterous. Pnoenix for dinner.

A guitar album from Andy Powell except a nice drum solo by Steve Upton.  Better than i remembered, but too much straight forward rock'n roll.

Sparks - Kimono My House (1974 Island)

Does humor belong in music? Absolutely! I remember when i first time heard "This Town Ain't Big Enough For the both Of Us". I was sold right away. Kimono my house is artful and cheerful wag music.

Talent is an asset https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM2IK1z8KIA

Friday, June 26, 2015

Kontra - Kontran Toinen Puoli (1978 Love Records)

This one really is a mixed bag and oddball case music for your freakers balls. I'm interested with this because of the two tracks: cover of Let's Make The Water Turn Black originally by Frank Zappa and Jack The Idiot Dunce originally by... Who.. no not The Who but I just don't know who. Kontra's = Mauri Konttinen's = Moog Konttinen's peculiar wordplay in his lyrics is really something: stupid, childish and clever all at the same time. Maybe he tries to be some kind of poor man's Zappa. And. By the way "Lahjakkuus on hyve" is a Sparks's "Talent is an asset" cover.

Uranus - Aamun Hauta (1975 BASF)

Uranus is funk rock or prog rock if measured with a bit wider scale. I don't care much of those Wonder or Redding covers, but most of their own songs are fairly good and Eero Raivio's composition named "New Production" is a small-scale prog-jazz-funk gem. Eero Raivio by the way hears to be a very skillful guitar player. Maybe better-informed people know him of course, but this is first time i hear of him. I know that Lucjan Czaplicki has before and later this Uranus played with most Tampere area bands, playing sax and clarinet. "Aamun Hauta" is a kind of mixed box and it is meant to be like that. As being a quite rare album too this is an absolute keeper.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Mr Flood's Party

Mind circus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9CrQSLW2rg

Edwin Arlington Robinson: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/174245

Kak - Kak / Kak-Ola (1968 CD 1999)

I don't know why the CD was named Kak-Ola. originally it was just Kak. Maybe they googled and found the Finnish insane asylum for prisoners named "Kakola" and thought it was funny. No, not really. What Kak means and what Kak-Ola means is a mystery to me. It was lucky they did not name this "Kakka" because this not kakka at all. On the contrary this is smart Acid Rock. Gary Yoder later went to Blue Cheer.


The Music Asylum - Commit Thyself (1970 UA)

I try to listen my records once in a while and this albums is one of those that first tend tocome to my mind when thinking what would i listen today. "Commit Thyself" is quite unique flowing jazz flavored rock with some psych elements. It is music made for me.


Ochsfan at RYM:

In the late '60's, United Artists was one of those labels that specialized in signing unknown, often brilliant psych bands, and subsequently letting them die a quick death in the marketplace through utter lack of promotion.  Music Asylum was one such band. 

The Kaplan Brothers - Nightbird (1978 this CD)

I like. Pumped into it when searching information about The Aaltos and someone on the net somehow compared The Aaltos's attitude to the The Kaplan Brothers'. There is no other need to compare Aaltos sisters and Kaplan brothers than the devoting take to the music, the message and confidence to oneselve's abilities in any case.

I don't know many covers of King Crimson's Epitaph but here is one. Not bad version at all. Maybe the oddest moment is when they play few bars of Yes's Roundabout intro. No quite like Steve Howe but almost.

I copy here the review from "jazzis" at RYM because he says everything that i think about "Nightbird"

This is the 3rd and last album by the obscure US (Chicago) group The Kaplan Brothers, which included three brothers: Ed Kaplan, Richard Kaplan and John Kaplan. Completely beyond classification, the music the Kaplan Brothers produced was an insane mixture of Psychedelics, Prog, kitsch, pastiche and pure genius. By the nature of the beast, this is definitely not for everybody, but for lack of a better drawer to put it in, it falls (rather uncomfortably) into the Prog one, just for being weird enough, the extensive usage of Mellotron and of course the King Crimson cover. I personally find it both amusing and entertaining, but I'm known for my weird taste. Weirdos of the world rejoice!

Friday, June 19, 2015