Saturday, June 16, 2012

Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick 2 (2012)

Thick As A Brick means me a lot. What happened to fictious Gerald Bostock after 1972 is to be heard on this new album. As i said, TAAB means me a lot, the music, the sounds, everything on the album is one and takes me always back to time and place where i used to listen it again and again. So what to think of this second one? It is not about what happened to Gerald later but what might have happened. He might have come banker, homeless, military man, chorister or just ordinary man. Anderson tells us about those possible histories of Gerald. This album unfortunately does not take me to any retro feelings. The sounds are mostly today's sounds of course and the spirit is only partly 70's. I must confess i was hoping TAAB2 would sound somehow more like TAAB1 and somehow it does, but is not stuffy enough to fulfill all my expectations. The compositions and production itself are top, but when even Dream Theater occasionally comes to my mind it makes me drift in some other worlds than in 1974 when i heared the original one first time. Maybe it would be too much to ask for Ian Anderson to make me feel the same again 40 years later on the same concept, but i always demand for the best. Great post-progressive record but not great enough when comparing it to my world according to "GB". I don't like those spoken word parts at all. I think Anderson made this as a compromise for both old and new listeners. Now it is proved: You can not step two times in the same river. Or maybe i just am thick as a brick.

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