Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Supertramp - S/T (1970)

It was in late 70s or early 80s when i first heard "Supertramp" and did not like it at all. It was the kind of irritating thin and high-pitched aor rock sound that i can not stand. When i much later, in fact just last year found this their debut album, my feeling was totally different. This is excellent light, smart and born-nostalgic progressive pop-rock. What bothers me is that i have a feeling i have heard this before somewhere maybe by some other bands, but i'm sure i haven't. The whole thing on the album brings many kind of things to my mind, but i don't know where they come and that is enigmatic. As i listen to this it is like suffering amnesia, like remembering and getting, but not... "Try again" is great!

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