Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Samla Mammas Manna - Klossa Knapitatet (1974 Silence)

Thank gods there still are this kind of gems unknown to me. Klossa Knapitatet är den bästä musik från Sverige jag har hört. Guitar virtuoso Coste Apetrea used to have session with our guitar hero Jukka Tolonen.

Two days and a couple of listenings later: i have to water a bit down my first reaction. I first heard some kínd of similiarity to Zappa's music and as a big Zappa enthusiast i may sometimes overreact when hearing something avant-garde style near to his that i have never before heard. Nu när jag har hört skivan några gånger måste jag sägä att mostly it is just a good technical simulation of Zappa's music but not enough assimilated. It is too much aping. Ramlösa kvällär is the best stand-alone track on the album. Among the other circus music there are though some marvelous passages but as a whole this record is a bit loose and
artificially fun.

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