Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Trees - On The Shore (1971 CBS re 1987 Decall)

I'll never say never again. I had vowed myself never more to buy any English folk rock record but, when i stumbled upon these two albums from Trees i had to renegade. Now i can withdraw my words again because i'm sure i can't find better English psych tinged folk rock albums than On The Shore and The Garden of Jane Delaney. This their second album may be more considered than their debut one. Even if it is far from overproduced music which i hate, this misses something when comparing it to their debut one and it is the innocence and authenticity on being. On The Shore is better album than The Garden of J.D if you appreciate musical tightness and goal-directed production. When comparing this to TgoJD it lacks of authenticity but may be more there.    !

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