Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sixto Rodriguez - Coming From Reality (1971) & Cold Fact (1970)

This is one of the very first albums i have posted on my blog when i started in December 2009. I found this mint condition copy in June 2009 ago at a charity shop (here in Finland) among one euro costing gospel and classical music albums. Had never heard of him but at home when i listened to the record, i thought wow, who is this guy with that hypnotic voice, why haven't i heard anything from him before. July the first 2010 i pronounced on this blog "I Think Of You" the best love song ever. That time i listened to the album over and over again. Then in 2010 i purchased both his albums on CD. Then i put them aside for a bit over two years till i recently to my surprise got to know Malik Bandjelloul from Sweden (his grandfather was born in Finland by the way :-)) had made a long documentary about him and it even won the Oscar. Yesterday i went to see the film and was stunned! No doubt it is the best music document i have seen. Nobody of us six in the theatre raised up to leave before the credits were over. Awesome feeling!

There's a track named "Heikki's Suburbia Bus Tour". First name Heikki is original Finnish name, so it would be interesting to know who this Heikki was or is.

official Sugarman website:

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