Friday, June 12, 2015

The Aaltos - The Aaltos in Scandinavia (1972 ECR)

This rare Finnish origin family's Xian album is more organ driven Jesus music than the other one I found today. The songs written by Eva-Maria Aalto are sang in Finnish, Swedish and English. I understand and speak all those three languages but some others may be a bit confused of thinking what this is all about. The basic style in most songs is playing xian gospel music in a way we here in Finland call "humppa", a kind of folk-pop dance music. In this album there are some a bit jazzy flavoured songs too as a difference to the other album "The Aaltos" (1972). I think this is musically much better than "The Aaltos" album. Timo Aalto sings a bit in a that dramatic way Finnish gypsies use to sing. This is a real mixed bag in a very good way. No wonder some real collectors are interested in this family Aaltos music.Those songs sang in English sound better to me. May because the girls sing in those songs, not Timo. Sometimes they in the same song sing first in English and then turn to Finnish. That is funny in a good way. I'd describe this organ driven "gypsy"-jazz-xian-folk-psych-walz-humppa music. Extraordinary music anyway. Xian music book Archivist (Ken Scott) describes Aaltos's music as primitive psych garage.

Song titles on the foldout cover are both in Finnish and English but the lyrics are in Swedish. The Aalto family moved from Finland to Sweden obviously in 1960's  and to Cloquet Minnesota, US in around 1983.

If you like The Aaltos, you may like Eläkeläiset too. Or vice versa.

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