Friday, June 12, 2015

The Aaltos - S/T (1971 ECR)

I was lucky today at a flea finding these two Finnish/Swedish Xian albums for 2 euros each. The first four songs are sang in Swedish and the rest eight songs in Finnish. In Archivist Xian records book they describe this music as "primitive psych garage".  That is not far from truth. This Finnish origin Aalto family is five sisters playing Xian gospel music in a way we here in Finland call "humppa", a kind of folk-pop dance music. The vocalist Timo Aalto sings occasionally in a dramatic style Finnish gypsies sometimes use to sing. In this xian case it sounds very funny. I don't usually listen xian but this is some interestingly odd. This is musically a kind of The Shaggs family case. The music is not like Shaggs but there are something some elements that remind me of them. Very interesting case indeed. Very rare Jesus album too.

P.S. Humppa is fast Finnish dance music in 2/2 or 4/4 time signature. Its origin is in jazz and foxtrot and was developed around year 1910 and after. It was later in 1950's influenced by a same kind of German music too. It is very common and popular music in Finnish dance halls.

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